“Uniting specialists, empowering compassion, transforming healthcare as one team.
All caregivers need not only skills but also the ability to be patient, and above all, to give love.”

Maternity Unit

Joy Park
Chief C.N.M. / Birth Companion / Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) / Operation / Inpatient / English
Sue Yeon Park
C.N.M. / Birth Companion / Inpatient / English
Julia Park
C.N.M. / R.N. / Birth Companion / M.S.N. / UNICEF Breastfeeding Specialist / Spinning Babies & Hypnobirthing Practitioner / Nursing Professor / Aromatherapist / Operation / Inpatient / English
In Og Jung
C.N.M. / Lactation Consultant
Jessie Kim
Nurse Manager / R.N. / Lactation Consultant(IBCLC) / Operation / Inpatient / Outpatient / English
Dayana Harrison
Student Midwife / Birth Companion / Pelvic Floor Trainer / English, Spanish, Portuguese
Seung Won Choi
A.N. / Inpatient
Sinu Kim
A.N. / Inpatient
Soon Ok Jung
A.N. / Doula / Inpatient / Chinese
Hye Min Lee
A.N. / Lactation Consultant(IBCLC) / Operation / Inpatient
Mi Kyoung Jung
A.N. / Inpatient
Bomi Hong
A.N. / Operation / Inpatient
Adele Vitale
Houm Doula Team Leader / Houm Childbirth Education Instructor
Karen Hewson
Doula / Birth Companion / DONA International / Based in Seoul / English
Kensheilah Young
Doula / Birth Companion / DONA International / Tricare Authorized Childbirth Doula / Based in Pyeongtaek / English
Patricia Baker
Doula / Birth Companion / DONA International / Based in Pyeongtaek / English

OB/GYN & Admin Unit

Peter H. Chung
Chief M.D., Ph.D, OB-GYN / Birth Companion / Operation / Lactation Consultant(IBCLC) / Inpatient / Outpatient / English
Sunny Moon
M.D. / Birth Companion / Operation / Outpatient / Inpatient / English
Young Kim
R.N / R.D.M.S / Operation / Outpatient / English
Helena Park
Nurse Manager / R.N / R.D.M.S / Outpatient / English
Su Hyun Ok
Radiology Technologist / Outpatient
Hye Yun Jung
A.N. / Outpatient
Hye Kyung Ki
Account Manager / Admin team / Outpatient / English
Ji Ho Park
Insurance Manager / Admin team
Stella Chung
Communication Manager / Admin team / Outpatient / English
Monica Lee
Communication Manager / Admin team / Outpatient / English
Jane Kim
Outpatient / Admin team / English
Eunice Chung
Outpatient / Admin team / A.N. / English / Japanese
Lidia Zigante
Outpatient / Admin team / English / Italian
Thomas I. Gibbon
D.O. / Admin team / English
C.N.M. (Certified Nurse Midwife) / R.N. (Registered Nurse) / R.D.M.S. (Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonographer) / A.N. (Assistant Nurse) / OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) / D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine)